Teaching activities |
Over the years my research has involved collaborations with researchers from various disciplines environmental agencies and water technology companies. From all this collaborations I learnt to explain and to teach at different levels. Moreover, I have extensive teaching experience and training at university level, having thus obtained several teaching accreditations (venia docenti). I am fluent in Spanish, French, English, Italian, Catalan; being thus able to teach in all these languages. My experience and formation allow me to design courses and teach at different levels in environmental-related subjects. Here enclosed you find a list of the last courses I taught: |
Freshwater toxicology, ETHZ, Zurich (Switzerland)
Microbiology-practicum, ETHZ Zurich (Switzerland)
Ecotoxicology, EAWAG/Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne (Switzerland)
Limnology-practicum, University of Barcelona (Spain)
Biochemical cycles, University of Barcelona (Spain)
Ecology-practicum, University of Barcelona (Spain)
Environmental Impact Assessment, University of Barcelona (Spain)
Topics on Stream Ecotoxicology, University National de Lujan (Argentina)
Stream Ecotoxicology, University of Comahue (Argentina)
Ocean Ecology-practicum, University of Barcelona (Spain)
Microbiology, Universidad Int. de Catalonia (Spain)
Master Environmental Intervention, University of Barcelona (Spain)
Environmental sensitizing, Catalan Government (Spain)
Teaching and divulgation materials to be downloaded |
In this section you will also find some materials I created for teaching: |
1. Presentación realizada en el curso de Flora del Pirineo 2009 (Download) En esta presentación, se habla de la ecología de las algas de montaña, presentando el "River Continuum Concept", el papel que las algas juegan en las cadenas tróficas fluviales, y su uso en estudios de calidad de agua o de ecotoxicolgía. |
2. Excel sheet for calculating hormesis in dose-response curves (Download) Hormesis (from Greek hórmēsis) is the term for generally-favorable biological responses when organisms are exposed at low toxins concentrations or stressors. A chemical or toxin showing hormesis might exhibit thus opposite effects depending on the dose; positive in small doses and negative in large doses. A document explaining this phenomenom is availble to download here (in Spanish). The provided excel sheet provides an easy and fast way to calculate the hormetic factor in a typical dose-response equation. |