Dr. Enrique Navarro
Pyrenean Institute of Ecology
Av. Montañana 1005
Zaragoza 50059
Telf: +34 976 369 393 (Extension 880058)
Fax: +34 976 716 019
Email:enrique.navarro@ipe.csic.es |
Ana Martín
My PhD focuses on the use of Nerium Oleander as a biomonitoring tool for heavy metal airborne pollution in urban environments.
I have a degree in Technical Engineering in Agriculture by University of Zaragoza and a Master Degree in
Environmental Management by San Jorge University. My email: a.martinalcober@gmail.com |
Irene Gimeno
I have a degree in Veterinary and a Master in “Research in Veterinary Science”, both by the University of Zaragoza. At present I hold a grant from the Aragón Government at the Pyrenean Institute of Ecology. My work focuses on the ecology of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in the Ebro River. My goal is to develop mathematical models that help users to minimize the impacts of the arrival of Zebra Mussel to water facilities.
My e-mail: irene.gimeno@ipe.csic.es |
Jonatan Val
My PhD focuses on the ecotoxicology of aquatic algal communities in relation with Climate Change. I am Biologist, and Master in "Biodiversity: conservation and evolution" both by University of Valencia. I've also been working for private companies and the Ebro Hidrographic Confederation (CHE) on issues related to the analysis and management of aquatic ecosystems. My e-mail: jovalpu@gmail.com |
Juan Lacarta
2004-2007 degree in technical engineer in agriculture by university of Zaragoza (Spain)
2008-2010 degree in environmental sciences by university of Salamanca (Spain)
2011 master degree in environmental and agriculture research by university of Zaragoza (Spain)
2011 Colaboration at the Pyrenean Institute of Ecology in cadmium toxicology for earthworm (A. caliginosa) and soil
My e-mail:j.lacarta.a@gmail.com |
Patricia Salas
I have a degree in Biological Sciences, and I'm currently studying the environmental impact of silver nanoparticles included in consumer products. My focus is to develop new ecotoxicological tests or to modify preexistant ones. My e-mail: psalasremon@gmail.com |
Selene Muñiz
I have a degree in Environmental Science and I'm currently studying a Master of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology at the University of Valencia. I'd like to investigate to what extent pollution affects subterranean ecosystems and caves and its relation to surface contamination. My e-mail: ioenlaluna@hotmail.com